Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Work after bereavement...

Have you ever dealt with the death of loved one and didn't know how to function when you went back to work? When condolences were limited to about less than 10 people to acknowledge that your life has been flipped upside down and all you want to do is cry.

How do you go back to work where everyone's life is normal and yours has made a complete 180ยบ? When my brother passed away, I felt like I had a case of phantom limbs, just waiting for this missing limb to reappear, but it never will. It has only been 6 weeks since he died and I feel people are expecting me to like nothing ever happened. Has anyone ever felt that way before? Then next question is how long does it take for someone to heal?

I try every day to stay strong, not just for my children and loved ones, but for the people who depend on me at work. Truthfully, I think I have tried to put my emotions to the side and just have deal with the hand that I was dealt but in truth, I do not think that is the answer either. So question remains, what is the right answer?

Laura Hidalgo
Social Media Manager

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is helping enough?

Getty Images
Who hasn't been affected by the economy slump we are facing? It doesn't get easier when there are so many charities who are seeking help. Over the past year we have created a social initiative to help our community, but with so many charities in need, we ask ourselves is it enough?

Starting in 2011 through our give back program Westchester Toyota has donated nearly $8,000 to various charities and organizations and continue to help.

But we want to know about the charities that you are passionate about here in Westchester NY and how we can help them. So let us know and we are always looking for new ways to help our community.

Laura Hidalgo
Social Media Manger

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Children then & now

I cannot begin to understand the mass amount of technology that is being developed on a daily basis that our children are being submerged with information overload. My daughter that is turning 8 whom was raised watching PBS & Nick Jr including my son who is now 2 years old watches his three favorite shows Thomas, Word World, and Super Why were all raised watching TV; however, after reading various articles wh studies that are indicating that all of this information overload is causing our children to have learning disabilities.

So I question myself am I parenting my children incorrectly by allowing them the luxury of using all this new found technology? Yes I purchased a WII for my daughter but she is only allowed to play games that force her to move her body, I feel its a healthy compromise or am I wrong? My daughter wants a Kindle Fire *or an IPad, which I would never do* but if I provide her these luxuries am I causing harm or good? I want her to have a love for reading like I have developed over the years, am I wrong to believe she will actually use her Kindle for reading or will she discreetly play Angry Birds? Yes I can monitor her but then comes down to the whole trust factor. When do we say NAY to all the technology and teach our kids the joys of playing & drinking from water-hose like we did as children?

As of late I see more children walking down the street with their eyes glued to a screen of some sort whether its an 3DS, PSP, IPod, or any other tablet in the market; I no longer hear the laughter of children playing hopscotch, jump rope, or riding their bikes.

The final questions are: as parents, should we actively involved in play instead of monitoring our children? Are the kids of now happier or were the generations prior happier?

Laura Hidalgo
Social Media Manager