I cannot begin to understand the mass amount of technology that is being developed on a daily basis that our children are being submerged with information overload. My daughter that is turning 8 whom was raised watching PBS & Nick Jr including my son who is now 2 years old watches his three favorite shows Thomas, Word World, and Super Why were all raised watching TV; however, after reading various articles wh studies that are indicating that all of this information overload is causing our children to have learning disabilities.
So I question myself am I parenting my children incorrectly by allowing them the luxury of using all this new found technology? Yes I purchased a WII for my daughter but she is only allowed to play games that force her to move her body, I feel its a healthy compromise or am I wrong? My daughter wants a Kindle Fire *or an IPad, which I would never do* but if I provide her these luxuries am I causing harm or good? I want her to have a love for reading like I have developed over the years, am I wrong to believe she will actually use her Kindle for reading or will she discreetly play Angry Birds? Yes I can monitor her but then comes down to the whole trust factor. When do we say NAY to all the technology and teach our kids the joys of playing & drinking from water-hose like we did as children?
As of late I see more children walking down the street with their eyes glued to a screen of some sort whether its an 3DS, PSP, IPod, or any other tablet in the market; I no longer hear the laughter of children playing hopscotch, jump rope, or riding their bikes.
The final questions are: as parents, should we actively involved in play instead of monitoring our children? Are the kids of now happier or were the generations prior happier?